Rosito and husband

Connection #2

Rosito and husband

2. Rosito and husband

Mexico, Leona Vicario, about 55 years old
Gift received: January 23, 2006

Rosito and her husband own a fish restaurant a little bit outside of Leona Vicario (direction Valladolid). They were growing their own fish, but since the hurrican came over, they have to start completely anew. The water has not gone down to the level yet that it had before the hurrican. There are still 1,5 meter missing to get the fish basins in order. Moreover, they have to start growing all fish again, as most of it was washed away during the disaster.

Now they have no income, but though they accepted the situation. They are building step by step their new basis of life.

Gift: 3 Photos of Rosarios restaurant
3 Photos of Rosarios restaurant

3 Photos of Rosarios restaurant

Gift given: January 16, 2006

On one of the given photos Rosarios husband wrote their address in order to invite the next connection to get in contact with each other and to come to the lagoon of Leona Vicario.

How we met Rosito and husband

Rosito was very happy about our wish to connect the people. When she received the present she became worried what she could give us in return. Rosito repeated several times "What can I give, what can I give?..".

Suddenly, she got an idea and went with her husband into the kitchen. Shortly after, the husband gave us three photos. Two of them were showing their fish restaurant before the hurrican destroyed it and one showed Rosito with a child.
