Connect The World
We would like to help raising the understanding between people of different cultures, ages, believes, social classes, etc. As we believe that transferring a certain message in shape of a gift could make the receiver understand the good intentions of the former owner, we will transfer small gifts from one person to another.
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The basic idea was to start with our own gift and introduce it to the first person crossing our way (e.g., a host). Instead, we were starting with a gift given to us. This happened because a person heard about our “Connecting the World” idea and handed us over a gift. Thus, without expecting it, the whole idea started by itself! ;D
When handing over a gift, the receiver is offered to provide a new message and a gift, which we are transferring to the next person. In that way we are building a chain connecting people of different nationalities, ages, social backgrounds, etc.
We are reporting every single message transfer and its meaning on this page.
Connections One by One
66. Sophie and Matt Calic
Sophie studied Antropology, and is now working with an organisation that is concerned about Food Safety for people of lower social classes. The goal of the company is to assure good quality fresh food for these people. She loves her work, and with it the knowledge she has gained about food and healthy living. Sophie is passionate about preparing food from scratch, and is deeply concerned with keeping...
65. Zivile and Linas
Zivile is from Telshiai in Lithuania. After finishing her school she spend one year with the HUMANA organisation in Botswana, where she was responsible for collecting stories for articles. She studied Marketing, and worked in an advertising company in Lithuania before she obtained a 2 year work agreement with a marketing agency in New Zealand. Now in Melbourne Zivile is responsible for the Reward program...
64. Lisa Shaw
Lisa is a quirly, vibrant personality with a good portion of humor. Her lust of life is big, and her interest in living life as such and in exploring other cultures and their histories is immense. Spiritually open, she has experienced living in an Aboriginal community of South Australia. Lisa calls it a mind opener, and during her time teaching in that community she was facing the challenge to communicate...
63. Dalia and Craig Adams
Dalia is of Lithuanian origin, has lived for several years in the UK, and immigrated to Australia about 8 years ago. Upon her arrival in Australia she lived in the countryside near Esperance, West Australia, before moving into the city. Now she is working together with her husband Craig in his restaurant called Ocean Blues. Dalia is interested in astrology and spirituality, is keen on natural child...
62. Genevieve Daley
Genevieve is a firework of creativity. Born in the desert town of Exmouth (North-West-Australia), she made the sewing machine her most important companion quite early in life. Since childhood she is creating dresses and sells them on markets or during festivals in West Australia. Her dream of having children was so strong that right after receiving her art degree at Curtin University she began dedicating...
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