27. Ricardo
Panama, Panama City, 26 years old, religion: roman catholic
Gift received: March 08, 2007
Ricardo studied Advertising Management and works now for a company, which has archives of photos from all around the world, selling those for advertising purposes. Ricardo likes his work, but being underpaid he is steadily looking for new opportunities. His dream is to go to Australia in the near future.
Ricardo is very ambitious about studying. Besides his work he attends English language courses and studies web design. He is very much into philosophy, too, able to talk for hours about life and its challenges. Hospitality is given to him as a natural gift and together with his family he makes a stay unforgetable.
Gift: Wooden box containing a heart-shaped stone, a pendant with Virgin Mary, a cross, and a catholic oration.
Gift given: March 09, 2007
The little wooden box contains items of the three most important person in his life. The heart shaped stone from his former girlfriend symbolizes the long-term (3 years) relationship they had and the loss he has suffered, after she choose another direction. The pendant of Virgin Mary given to Ricardo when being very small, was destined for protecting him from bad, holding the good things for him. The cross was owned by his oldest brother, who died in a car accident 9 years ago. After graduation as stomotologist, he and his friends went to celebrte in town. Another car driven by a drug stoned young man crashed into their vehicle. Ricardo's brother, his girlfriend and the guilty driver's girlfriend died immediately.
Let these items bring you luck in your life. Remember always that if you are looking for changes in your life, choose today a different way and go for it.
How we met Ricardo
Ricardo is member of www.HospitalityClub.org. We contacted him and he invited us to stay in his and his family's house in Panama City for a couple of days.
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