Rose Garcia

Connection #48

Rose Garcia

48. Rose Garcia

Chile, Santiago de Chile, 33 years old, religion: none
Gift received: July 07, 2008

Rose was born and raised in Ecuador, and due to certain reasons left with the age of 18 to Chile. Here she started from the bottom and worked hard to settle down in this contrary to her own culture. She is just about finishing her studies in Psychology, which she did besides working for a psychology clinic as office assistent. Her current dream is leaving everything in Chile behind and set off to travel the world, searching for oportunities to work in indigeneous communities.

Rose's open minded attitude combined with her special, truth-speaking humor are a guarantee for feeling happy and cosy in her company. She loves astrology and knows to indentify her sun star characteristics well, having conciously experienced them on herself and friends. Her passion is cooking, which makes her take out the pots as soon as guests are stepping into her apartment. Rose loves to learn about new recipes, although she most likely knows a way more about delicacies than her visitors. It is lovely to spend time with Rose, listening her funny - and deeply serious - stories about life, where she weighs histories always depending upon the circumstances in which they developed.

Gift: plants


Gift given: July 09, 2008

Often we believe that the most difficult burdens we carry in our lives are the most heavy, making us suffer most. Give sense to this suffering by searching the simplest side to better bear it. Convert the weight of your suffering from kilograms into grams imagining to carry feathers instead of stones. Think about a year as if it was an hour. Transform kilometers into meters. Today You Are. Yesterday I was. And tomorrow...your burden will be much lighter provided that a part of the world will be shared with you. Give your burden the value to which we least appeal. The value of simplicity.

Rose searching her way...

How we met Rose Garcia

We met through and stayed with Rose for three nights in Santiago.


  1. enzo says:

    Ciao Karina. Hai sempre un magnifico sorriso.