Augustas got ill

February 24, 2008
Topics: Health, Peru

Hello, just to let you know, from Monday to Wednesday (18-20 Feb) we were traveling with a boat on Rio Napo from Santa Clotilde to Iquitos city. Tuesday (19 Feb) Augustas started to suffer fever (with pressure in the eyes and difficulties to concentrate). When we arrived on Wednesday to Iquitos we went immediately to the hospital. Since then we did many blood tests to analyze what Augustas suffers....[read more]

Two years on the road!

January 12, 2008
Topics: Ecuador, Website

2008 January 13 is the day when we enter the jungle, moreover, it is the day when the 3rd year of our journey starts. For your interest we are sharing our trip finance calculations for the year 2007. Expenses (total $10’700 — $15 person/day).this includes:$1650 – Treatments for Katja, Dentists, Vaccinations$1400 – Equipment: travel gear, audio-photo-video, Psion repairs$725...[read more]


January 12, 2008
Topics: Ecuador

In Ecuador, like in most of other Latin American countries, one of the p opular businesses is selling calling minutes. The idea is very simple. Ordinary user gets a cheap monthly subscription plan for his/her mobile phone, but any calls made are very expensive. For this reason, other people purchase expensive subscriptions and are able to offer calling minutes much cheaper. In Venezuela and Colombia...[read more]

New Year’s traditions in Ecuador

January 10, 2008
Topics: Ecuador

Originally written for “Año viejo” (“the old year”) – it is the name of the puppet which symbolises the Old Year. People in whole Ecuador are destroying and burning this symbolic puppet when the year changes, 31st of December at 12 a.m. The puppet is prepared either using old clothes or a wooden construction wrapped with paper, something like papier-mâché....[read more]

Before the jungle trip…

January 10, 2008
Topics: Ecuador

It has been already a week since we are visiting Quito – the capital of Ecuador. Here, for the first time in our lifes, we have tried bio-energetical treatment. Katja has already visited this doctor 3 times, will be waiting for changes… Meanwhile Augustas did it just for personal interest to participate in balancing of internal energy. Pity, but Quito will be our last serious stop...[read more]

New year – new videos

January 7, 2008
Topics: Ecuador, Website

Last week we had opportunity to create videos from the material which we have filmed in November and December. All new films you will find in the “Media” section of our website. Greetings from Quito – the capital of Ecuador!Augustas and Katja [read more]

Our trip continues – soon we go to the jungle!

December 28, 2007
Topics: Ecuador

We are on the road again! Right after Christmas, Thursday morning we said Good-Bye to our appartment in Cuenca, which served us for the last 5 months.Here are some picture. (we were paying $130/month rent, plus monthly $12 for electricity and $3 for the water) We got to the end of Cuenca and FINALLY started to hitch-hike again, as in old good times 🙂 Our destination that day was Guayaquil...[read more]

Giving and Helping are Keys to Happiness

December 26, 2007
Topics: Ecuador, Website

The year 2007 was our second year of the trip. While many people are living by a 8-to-5 formula (starting the job at 8am and finishing at 5pm), we noticed that our life started to follow a 7-plus-5 pattern: 7 months of travelling, and 5 months of living in one place. In 2006 we stayed 5 months in Copper Bank (Belize); this year for the last 5 months we enjoyed Cuenca, the cultural city in Ecuador. One...[read more]

Ingapirca – disappointing Inca site in Ecuador

December 14, 2007
Topics: Ecuador

One week ago together with our 2 Colombian friends Marcos and Sol, we have decided to visit Ingapirca, which is said to be the most important Inca site in Ecuador, built in 15th century. We had information that the entrance costs $6 dollars (and $2 for locals). Luckily the  ticket seller in Cuenca bus station whispered us a tip how to enter this museum free of charge. Of course it was a good...[read more]

Tasty vegetarian lunch at “Vrinda” cultural center in Cuenca

December 13, 2007
Topics: Ecuador

On Thursday, after finishing our second 3-weeks fasting, we decided to check out what dishes are offered at “Vrinda” cultural center in Cuenca (in the street Benigno Malo y Vega Muñoz). They live with kirshna-kind-of philosophy, and every day from Monday to Friday between noon and 3pm are serving home-made vegeterian lunch for $1.50 It was our first time at this place, and we can...[read more]