Our hobbies
If you would search information about Varkala, you would find not much more than cliffs and beaches. So you might think our everyday life is like this: No, it is not. We will share with you some hobbies we have, which are also part of our life here in Varkala (India), where we will stay another 3 months. It is important to mention that whenever we have been living on the road (like in Latin America),...[read more]
Annular Solar Eclipse in Varkala, India
January 15, 2010
Topics: India

Sun projection through a hole on a white paper On 15th of January 2010 we had a chance to witness the annular solar eclipse which started in Central Africa, passed through the Indian Ocean and Maldives islands, touched the South tip of India, and ended somewhere in China. Sources say it was the longest annular solar eclipse in this millennium. For non English native speakers – “annular”...[read more]
Appearing in India

Feet in India First of all, we wish YOU ALL a marvellous HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010! We hope it will be an interesting, fruitful year for each and everyone of you. Live it according to your feelings, listen to your intuition, and follow the signs showing up along your way. For us – this is the recipe to live our life happily, it is the path we are provided from the universe, we just need to go it. Give...[read more]
Flag Hurrah! Moving on
August 3, 2009
Topics: Website
HURRAH! We have got a flag! Follow The Road flag From now on, if you will see us on the road holding this wavery – do not be indifferent, stop for us. Even you travel opposite direction, stop by, let’s share few words. We live on the road, so it is a good place to meet people. Last week, from Sunday till Sunday, with a borrowed car we travelled 1800 km around Lithuania. Jesus, how fast...[read more]
Banana with chocolate
July 23, 2009
Topics: Central America, Health, Honduras, South America, Venezuela

During our trip in Latin America once in a while we stumbled on the delicious desert – a chocolate covered frozen bananas. Yesterday we tried to prepare this tasty desert ourselves. Bananas covered with chocolate Looks like we have managed. We had to experiment a little bit, but the main idea was like this: Melt chocolate bar on the stove (we boiled water in a small pot, placed pieces of chocolate...[read more]
“Oh, boy!” – busy times in Vilnius
Time passes like nothing here in Vilnius. Every day we have appointments, may it be for dental adjustments, Katja’s health issues, or Yoga classes. Not to forget about meeting with family, other socializing events, or the participation in cultural events. Since Lithuania is celebrating it’s 1000 birthday and is European Capital of Culture 2009 you might get a clue about the richness of...[read more]
Up to Norway for a friend’s visit in Bergen
June 4, 2009
Topics: Europe
Frau Weidig (70) brings us on the right track after being lost in Merseburg We like calm mornings, so only at 5pm in the afternoon we start from Leipzig towards Norway. Instead of getting straight to the highway we miss the bus stop and end up in Merseburg town. With Frau Weidig (70) from Weißenfels and a man from Aschersleben we make it onto highway A14. Short after arriving with a young guy...[read more]
Our website, English book, and Denmark
It was not much we said during the last half year since coming to Europe. We hope you understand that our life sometimes requires us to spend time on more important things than updating our website. What are the news right now? New look of the website Our website has got a new layout! Augustas was working hard while in Denmark on re-modelling the old design and system. Since blogging is nowadays the...[read more]
Lack of sleep in Europe
December 8, 2008
Topics: Europe
A lot of time has passed since we had a chance to share with you our life. Then, our flight to Europe lay still ahead, which now is already far in the past. The last weeks in Argentina were wonderful, marked by steady changes of places and uncountable new friendships made. Although this isn’t anything new for us, this time it happened in twice the speed than usual. There was few time left to...[read more]
1200 miles to the post office
October 27, 2008
Topics: Chile, Costa Rica
Federico and Anita with daughter Albita Salta (Argentina) was marvellous. The town is beautiful, old, with a wonderfully relaxed atmosphere. An entire month we were hosted by Federico, a member of Autostop Argentina – a club uniting all Argentinian backpackers who use hitchhiking as a way of traveling. Federico invited us into his life and made us part of his family – girlfriend Anita...[read more]
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