Beautiful Clare valley
February 24, 2011
Topics: Australia
Giedre’s Abudu farm Saturday, Jan 15. Upon ariving at Giedre’s farm Abudu (meaning “both” in Lithuanian) we feel home immediately. Her and Mark’s house is cosily furnished, decorated with Giedre’s art and a book shelf full of spiritual literature. Although they lived only for 4 months at the farm, they enjoyed already veggies from their own garden and a huge amount...[read more]
Life full of opportunities
February 21, 2011
Topics: Australia
January 14 Friday. Leaving Ashfield (Sydney) at 2 p.m., it takes us three hours and several kinds of public transportation to reach the outskirts of Sydney. A kind bus driver leaves us at the entrance of the Freeway towards Adelaide, where 10 minutes later we get our first ride towards Clare valley near Adelaide. The tricky situation further on didn’t bother lively Brahim at all. He stops for...[read more]
Christmas in Esperance
December 26, 2010
Topics: Australia
Merry Christmas to everyone! This week we are staying with Dalia from Lithuania and Australian Craig who are rising a 16 months old daughter Stella. On the Christmas Eve according to Lithuanian traditions we prepared lots of dishes as one needs to try at least 12 different dishes. The sweet part of the table had a raw cake made of almonds, carrots, apples and bananas. On the Christmas...[read more]
Welcome to Australia

One year ago, before we went to India, we had Australia in mind, too. Intuition pointed us towards Australia, but at that time we created several reasons not to go there. 2 months ago in Thailand we re-introduced the idea of Australia. The evening we thought and talked about it, Katja got tears in her eyes, when she felt that her soul is sending the clear signal – Go for it! There is no doubt...[read more]
Cobra under our house
November 5, 2010
Topics: Thailand
In one crack of the house we notice a big lizard stuck between wooden boards of the house. Wait a minute – it is not a lizard, rather a frog having couple of weird white dots on its head. Is she stuck between the woods? No… we see something more exciting – it is a snake having a frog for a lunch! We probably disturbe her too much as she releases her treasure, and the frog jumps few...[read more]
Food courts and vegetarian restaurants in Malaysia
June 15, 2010
Topics: Malaysia
We got impression that Malaysian people are not used to cook at home. Their eating habits can be described in two words – Food Courts. With Chan in Ipoh vegetarian restaurant What we have been told by our Chinese-Malaysian friend Chan, about 30 years ago there were lots of food sellers with carriages on the streets. At one point government decided that such food preparation is...[read more]
12 days Malaysia
May 19, 2010
Topics: Malaysia
The last days in Varkala town in South India were beautifully intensive. We gave away all belongings, which we would not carry along. Our neighbour boys Roshmin and Robin – after sneaking curiously around our rooms in search for treasures – went off with loads of new and interesting items. Some chairs we placed at our lovely Coconut lady, and some rather creative stuff went to Faith’s...[read more]
Observations in India – trading
March 22, 2010
Topics: India
American KaKa pistacias We still reside in Varkala town in Kerala, a Southern state of India. We will leave this place in the first days of May. In this entry we will share a few observations about local traders and trading in India in general. Packaging Old newspapers, colorful rubber bands, and rope made from coconut husk fiber – all of these items are very important if you are an Indian...[read more]
Home-made Food Dehydrator
Last month we shared with you our hobbies, where we mentioned our interest in a raw food experiments. Usually raw food cooks or, better, UNcooks besides the powerful blender, they also keep a food dehydrator, which is very important device in order to create raw pizza, cookies or simply fruit leather. Maximum temperature for drying in order to qualify as a raw food, as far as we understand, should...[read more]
Postbox waiting for inspiration
Mission: Katja’s birthday wish Deadline: February 18, 2010 Katja’s birthday is approaching in big steps. You know yourself, she loves dreaming BIG. For this year, she has a simple, yet big wish: Katja wants an overflowing postbox full of mail from You from All Over The World! She wishes to see it full to bursting. She wants to astonish her Indian neighbors. She dreams of our house looking...[read more]
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