Postcards for terminally sick child Mateuszek

August 10, 2008  
Topics: Projects

Dear friends,

some time ago we received an email of Chopin, a Polish friend who hitch-hiked around the world ( ) with Kinga ( ). In this email he forwarded a wish of an 8 years young Polish boy called Mateuszek Lang from Szczecin. He is a terminal sick child, and probably in his last year of life. His biggest dream is to receive as many postcardspossible from around the world before he dies. His dream became known
through Fundacja Mam Marzenie (I Have a Wish Foundation), which grants
wishes to terminally sick children.

We wish his dream to come true and since we know quite an amount of people, we decided to forward you Mateuszek’s wish. For those eager to participate, here is his address:

Mateuszek Lang
ul. Wislana 37
70 – 885 Szczecin

Please be so kind and forward this message to whoever possible and ask
them to send a postcard. If we act now, we have a chance to make our postcards arrive on time.

Make this dream come true….
more info about Mateuszek (Polish)

Katja and Augustas
