Katja & Augustas
Seit Mitte des Jahres 2010 führen wir unsere Website nur noch in Englisch weiter. Für Neuigkeiten rund um unser Leben schaut daher bitte auf Follow The Road (englische Version) vorbei. Dort kann auch der englische Newsletter abbonniert werden. Das Buch "Auf dem Weg - Mit, durch und für die Menschen dieser Welt" kann nach wie vor auf unserer deutschen Seite bestellt werden.
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  • Wer & Wie

  • Seit Januar 2006 sind wir, Katja und Augustas, unterwegs um die Welt zu sehen...
    • wir reisen per Anhalter
    • wir schlafen im Zelt
    • wir bevorzugen Dörfer zu grossen Städten
    • wir geniessen es Einheimische zu treffen
    • wir verbinden Menschen dieser Welt
    • wir arbeiten entlang des Weges
    • wir ...
  • Das Buch “Auf dem Weg”

    Auf dem Weg - Das Buch Du möchtest unsere Abenteuer gern vom Sofa aus miterleben? Klick hier, um mehr zu erfahren.

Connect The World

Alexey Molchanov 57. Alexey Molchanov

Alexey has a still beauty in himself. He appears calm, gentle, loving, and is always there when a helping hand is needed. His hospitality is kingly, his attitude towards guests like this of a very good friend. Alexey is Russian and had grown up in Latvia. From a very early age he was interested in martial arts, which go far behind physical activities into the depths of a person's soul. He practices...

Erika Kunn 56. Erika Kunn

Erika is from Estonia and came to Buenos Aires for a volunteer work which will last for one year. She did not speak a word spanish when she arrived, but at the time meeting her (4 months had passed) she was able to communicate what she wanted - with words, hands, and feet. Erika is full of happiness and energy, loving to express her inner feelings with the outfit she wears. She loves travelling by...

Family Rigattieri 55. Family Rigattieri

Fernando is an architekt, who specializes in building rather useful homes instead fancy business temples. He is concerned about health and practices yoga (for 30 years), feldenkrais, and thai-chi at the same time. He loves studying books about perfect body condition and the least effort to reach a trained body state. One other hobby he practices right in the backyard of his architect office is archery....

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